Being a business owner alone can be hectic but adding two on the go little girls to the mix can feel a little tricky to balance it all. There are days that it feels like I am just falling behind and there is so much on my plate I'm just not sure how I'll be able to get it all done.

My daily life looks a lot like happy one minute and crying the next, tantrums, saying sorry, "I love you mommy", "I don't want you to hug me", lot's of sitting and watching my three yer old play because she wants met to sit next to her but not entirely play with her. Then there are the times we try to play outside but, she is a runner and will take off running as I'm trying to quickly grab her before she gets too far away as well making sure the baby is in a safe spot before she crawls too far. Then there are changing of diapers, having my three year old constantly using the bathroom so she doesn't have an accident. And we of course can't forget all the food times and feeding their what feels like a bottomless pit of stomachs before they get too hangry. The list goes on, on what's included in mom duties. Don't get me wrong I really do love being a mom especially when those good manners and kind actions you are trying to engrain into your very impressionable three year old stick and you can't help feel proud of them and proud of yourself for sticking to it especially on really trying and hard days.

We can't forget as well that thrown into the mix is trying to work when you're able to which mostly happens during nap times and bedtimes and then when my husband does have a day off, it's sayonara and I'm able to accomplish even more as he becomes full time daddy for a couple of hours.

I wish that I could say that I have a complete hour by hour schedule of what my day consists of but that is one of my flaws is not having one. You hear time and time again how you need to have a daily schedule everyday for things to go smoothly especially when it comes to you being a business owner. And I completely agree there is 100% truth in that. When I put myself and my kids on more of a routine things seem less chaotic and function better.

Routine is something that I have always struggled with but each day I will say, I am improving and one day I will have a smooth sailing ship when it comes to my schedule of life haha. Until then though I'm going to give myself grace and compliment myself on what I have accomplished and know there is always room for improvement but, also being proud of how I have improved.

Utah photography spring session
Utah photography spring session
Utah photography spring session
Utah Family photography greenhouse session
Utah Family photography greenhouse session
Utah Family photography greenhouse session